Haywire is a bi-annual student literary-art magazine of the John-F.-Kennedy School in Berlin. We feature original student work of many kinds: short stories, vignettes, poems, critical essays, photographs, paintings, comics, or music.
Current Deadline: TBA Fall 2021
Please submit your art to our magazine. Send submissions to haywire@jfks.me
Haywire magazine welcomes original stories, poems, essays and critical texts written by students of our school. We also feature students' art and photography. You are welcome to submit your writing or art that you have created as a school assignment, or your own previously unpublished work.
Texts need to be in an editable text format, such as Word or OpenOffice (no pdfs). Artwork and photographs can be submitted as jpegs, tiffs or pdfs, in high resolution (300 dpi).
Deadline for submissions for Issue 16 is Fall 2021. Please include your class section, e.g. 10c, 11a, 8e with your submission.